Most gate openers have an auto-reverse system often called a Speak to sensor that stops the gate and reverses its direction should really any person or something can be found in connection with the gate while it’s relocating.AutoGate Northern Irelandwww.ElectricGatesNewry.com07855-78143302830-886666Contact Adrian for help, advice or informat… Read More

Installing a large gate, one particular with double swinging or sliding panels, or Sophisticated characteristics like cameras and sensors will take more time and costs greater than installing a simple, just one-panel gate without extras.AutoGate Northern Irelandwww.ElectricGatesNewry.com07855-78143302830-886666Contact Adrian for help, advice or inf… Read More

Electric sliding gates are installed in the Newry area. Sliding gates can be the solution you need if your driveway is steep or has limited parking space.Efficient Installation when you need electric gates or want to automate your existing gatesWhenever you are in need of advice for Automatic Gates in Newry and Mourne, Just call Adrian on 07855-781… Read More